✅ DO's
- Take charge and show conviction. INFPs appreciate partners who can provide security and structure. They often struggle with organization, so your ability to offer guidance will help them feel secure.
- Be empathetic and understanding. Show that you genuinely care about their feelings and can connect with them on an emotional level.
- Be honest and sincere. Authenticity is essential to an INFP, so always be open and true to yourself.
- Listen attentively. Engage with what they share and give them your full attention. INFPs deeply appreciate being heard.
- Engage in deep discussions. INFPs enjoy thoughtful and meaningful conversations, so dive into topics that matter to them.
- Respect their feelings and values. Acknowledge and honor their emotional depth and personal principles, especially when it comes to their passions.
- Be emotionally open and authentic. Sharing your true self, including your past experiences and emotions, creates a deeper connection.
- Demonstrate a good sense of humor. Laughter is a way to bond, and INFPs are attracted to people who can make them smile.
- Be patient. Allow them time to feel comfortable and open up about their innermost thoughts.
- Show kindness and compassion towards others. INFPs value kindness and are drawn to people who show genuine care for those around them.
- Engage in conversations about their interests. Topics like music, books, and movies resonate deeply with INFPs, so showing interest in what they love helps build a deeper connection.
🚫 DON'Ts
- Don’t push them to socialize too much. INFPs need their alone time to recharge, so don’t force them into social situations.
- Don’t belittle or patronize their emotions or principles. Dismissing their values or feelings will upset them.
- Don’t be passive-aggressive or manipulative. INFPs can sense insincerity or hidden motives, and they dislike when people don’t communicate directly.
- Don’t yell or instigate conflict. They avoid confrontation, so any significant conflict will cause them to retreat emotionally.
- Don’t put down others or bully them. They care deeply for others, so showing disrespect towards people will damage your connection.
- Don’t be too critical. INFPs are sensitive, and excessive criticism will hurt their feelings and make them withdraw.
- Don’t try to "make" them fall in love. INFPs value genuine emotional connections and can sense manipulative behavior.